Dill Pickles Stop Mosquito Bites?!

By on June 27, 2014


“Mosquitos remind us that we are not as high up on the food chain that we think.” ~Tom Wilson~

150 mosquito biteslast month’s 2-week camping trip darn near had me eaten alive. What I found peculiar was that the 1/2 clad dressers barely got bit. Here I am covered from head to ankle and I got bit thru my clothes. My joke was that they like dark meat and/or vegetarians. Not even all the garlic I ate (or “natural” bug spray) kept them away.

Having asked about it on Facebook and inquiring with a colleague who’s an African Safari tour guide… I was offered some prevention and relief information. Prior to this, I was putting the fire out by applying some coconut and tea tree oil, which helped. Even better was the welcomed trick of applying a warm spoon to the bites – it put the fire out on warm spoonthe stubborn ones!! Knowing I’d be going back for a longer tour of duty, I needed a way to prevent them in the first place. That’s when I was told about cedar oil, a mosquito net shirt and spraying Listerine around my temporary home. All, according to these guys work like a charm.

However, now that I’ve been back up here just shy of a month, challenges and added expenses had me waiting to buy and try all three (cedar oil, mosquito net and Listerine). Thankful I waited and ever so grateful for meeting a new neighbor (in the woods). Shortly after arriving, he shared his secret for never getting bit. vlassic picklesEating a dill pickle every day – says it’s an old Farmer’s trick from where he grew up, which was Delaware. Not an eater of pickles but thought I’d try. A tad discouraged at first to find that most pickles have Yellow #5 dye as an ingredient. WHOA, such a popular condiment is toxic?

After searching a few stores for some good ol’ fashioned, free of chemicals pickles, I found some at Trader Joe’s. Of course their small jar was the same TJ's picklesprice as the 1-gallon Vlassic ($3.99), but I didn’t mind if it meant keeping them pesky persevering pests from torturing me further. Wouldn’t you know… it put an end to their using me as a smorgasbord!! Hallelujah!! Won’t be needing the other suggestions after all, which suits me just fine on my always preferring the less is more approach.

Can’t imagine what I’d look like had I been dressed like the others. What I’ve come to find out is… I believe there is truth to them liking the color brown. Each time I wear it, they come nearer. Yet, I’ve also come to discover not even the bees are liking me – giddy UP! I’ve put it to the test by allowing them to land and roam and see them fly away. Whew – I thank the gods for old school, no fluff, folk and farmer remedies! **The baking soda is to exfoliate my face a couple times a week and in the event of a scorpion bite.

“I never write a book unless I can’t help it. Something has to bother me, like a mosquito, until I have to do something to relieve the itch.” ~Gregory Maguire~

bummed reception does not allow me to post more often, however, daily mini posts can be found on my Facebook profile.

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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