Breast, Colon and Ovarian Cancers Linked to Tall Post-Menopausal Women

By on July 26, 2013

Interesting. The taller a post-menopausal woman, the more her chance of getting breast, colon, ovarian and other cancers.

“We were surprised at the number of cancer sites that were positively associated with height. In this data set, more cancers are associated with height than were associated with body mass index [BMI],” said Geoffrey Kabat, Ph.D., senior epidemiologist in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University in New York, N.Y. “Ultimately, cancer is a result of processes having to do with growth, so it makes sense that hormones or other growth factors that influence height may also influence cancer risk.”

Study also mentions hormones and growth. This should raise an even bigger red flag than height (in my opinion). Growth(s) from head to toe (inside and out) are a consequence of diet and lifestyle. Non-organic animals are injected with hormones and steroids to get them to grow faster and bigger, all in the name of larger profits. The consequence of this is? The same thing is happening to those who eat non-organic animal products. Young girls are devolving at a younger age for a reason. Animal foods loaded with hormones and steroids increases more than the animal’s body mass.
I speak from experience on this. After having custody of four lil ones (ages 1, 5, 8, and 10) for a year, I saw this happen. Two of the children were overweight when I got them, but not for long. Shortly after going back to their mother, the two gained their weight back rather quickly. The oldest, being a girl became more than overweight – with that came menstruation and large breasts. Five years later, the youngest boy (who was overweight) has begun growing them. He, as we have come to see, is not alone. It is happening to more and more men and boys. And women aren’t the only ones getting breast cancer either.
Not all breasts are puberty induced and surely nothing to be proud of. Early development can lead to early aging of body and symptoms. Careful on what you feed your children. And not to single out breasts. Prostrate cancer has also risen for the same reason.
To think diet won’t affect you is like thinking putting the wrong kind of gasoline won’t affect your car.

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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