DIY Health & Beauty Detox Bath

By on August 20, 2013

I love a really good detox bath! The most intense one I’ve done and continue to help others with is Dr. Schulze’s, hot bath/cold sheet treatment (from when I worked for him). So effective, it has helped some where anti-depressant haven’t. The purpose of this treatment, hot bath (with herbs) and hot tea (to drink) are to get the blood moving. This helps the body begin healing itself. After 30-minutes you are wrapped with an ice cold sheet, which is quite inviting after the profuse sweating. You then lie down and are covered for a minimum of 3 hours.

“All disease is caused by some sort of blockage. Whether it’s blocked blood, lymph, oxygen, nutrition, nerve impulse, emotional energy, spiritual energy, or even what the Chinese, Japanese or Indians refer to as Chi, Ki, or Prana. When an area of the body gets blocked, it gets sick. It’s that simple.”   ~Dr. Schulze~

Women tend to handle this bath better than men, though both can think you’re torturing them. I kid you not. This is not to be done alone. It is excellent for what ails you (and then some)!

Read a post on detox baths today, though… not mentioned was the need to rinse with cool to cold water afterwards. This is highly recommended with any detox bath – it helps stop the detox. Getting out from a detox bath can make you dizzy. Take your time standing up and consider a cold water rinse (your blood will thank you). I’ve done some of those detox baths listed in article, a variation of them, and I’ve also used hydrogen peroxide (the $1 brown bottle). And although they are good, nothing makes you sweat like Dr. Schulze’s. I’m excited to be helping 2 sisters (in the medical field) soon! If you decide to try the hot/bath cold sheet treatment, consider a more mild one first, like those listed (via these 2 links).

“Noble deeds and hot baths are the best cures for depression.”  ~Dodie Smith, I Capture the Castle~

**hot bath/cold sheet treatment can be found in, There Are No Incurable Diseases book, by Dr. Richard Schulze


About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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