DIY Water Filter – Prepping

By on May 19, 2013

 “A prepper is an individual or group that prepares or makes preparations in advance of, or prior to, any change in normal circumstances.”

Whether for life or lifestyle, prepping and prevention can both be life-saving. My father was a prepper back in the 60’s – long before it was considered cool or a necessity (as it is becoming). I, on the other hand, because of my parents premature deaths, am a big fan of dis-ease prevention. Most of my posts are for DiY health and healing. This one, still DIY, but in filtering your own water.

I’ve wanted to put together a water filter for some time. And although this type is not a major component of what some preppers/survivalists include in their Bug Out Bag (BOB), it is essential. A Get-Outta-Dodge (GOD) bag. It would behoove you to know how to create a water filter AND your own bag, should the need arise. In a non-emergency, knowing where the nearest spring is would be ideal and helpful. I bow my head (because of my bum shoulders), I have yet to do this myself.

The following photos show supplies separate, then in order of layers (bottom up) placed in crockpot (large rocks, filled in with some DIYsupplies_rocksgravel, topped with charcoal (not shown), covered in triple layer of sand, then a top layer of gravel. I then placed the 2 Himalayan Salt rocks atop all.

This first time project did not come without a few quirks… taste and cloudy water. Though, even commercial grade filters come with a bit of prepping before water is drinkable. Despite soaking everything, the taste was a little salty, perhaps from sand. Once all was clear and tasty, a piece of activated charcoal came through spout. Not a

DIY_rock_sandbig deal until the spout stayed in the on position a few hours later. Thankfully it was a 5-minute fix. Done by screwing spout top off and cleaning out another piece of charcoal that was stuck. Everything seems to have settled and is now working like a charm. My own spring-like water, filtered by Mother Nature (in the comfort of my own home). ** charcoal photo not shown – technology not allowing easy placement of photo  ;-/


DIY tree filterFilters can be made as simple as this photo (hanging in tree) or a tad more elaborate (or not) like the 2 shown in DIY perma filterblack and white. Although in Spanish, you can see layers from top to bottom (small rocks, gravel, sand, gravel, charcoal, gravel, small rocks, large rocks). As you can see, there is really no right or wrong way to do this. My plan was to put 2 layers of charcoal, however layers would not have been thick enough. I will use this until I am settled in my own home, and perhaps devise an even more elaborate one. Placed in clear glass, it’d be a great conversation piece for a summer gathering. And one HECK of a way to get people interested in going off grid in the most subtle of ways.

Supplies (and approximate amount) used for my countertop water filter include:

  • Crockpot with spout
  • 2 Himalayan Salt rocks – online
  • Activated Charcoal – fish aquarium store – 16 ounces/1″ layer
  • larger 1.5-ish inch rocks – 1.5″ layer
  • small rocks/gravel size – 2″ layer
  • sand – 3″ layer

**sand and rocks from a building supply store. Layers guesstimated by inches in crockpot. Building supply materials were a mere $2. Total cost around $50, future costs will be less (minus crock and water bottle).

Salt, was not recommended on any site or photo I researched, I simply added for the minerals. And the 5 gallon water bottle, is BPA-Free from a water store. I will use this in-house for now, look to get a travel filter that structures water, and sooner than later visit springs to get what Daniel Vitalis refers to as wild, unprocessed water. One thing I wont do, is pay high prices for a water filter or a lot of middlemen or women to alkalinize it.



“At the Olympics in China, every color was represented… and that was just the drinking water.”  ~Evan Sayet~


**please know… this is nothing against China. The gods know here in the U.S., we’ve got many remnants floating in our water, including PHARMACEUTICALS. This filter may not remove all, but I know it’s got to be better than many store bought ones, without the carbon footprint.


About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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