Fabulous Folk Remedies From Turkey

By on April 4, 2015

this “Turkish ‘Old Wives’ folk remedies” article from Daily Sabah was quite the gem of a surprise this morning in my inbox.

Call me an old (husbandless) wife. I don’t care. I love folk remedies and these are no exception! Just as medical marijuana healed my brother 31 years ago, and how I’ve seen other miracles with diet and herbs alone, these plant based remedies and others work!

And while these come from Turkey, each country has their own. One of my favorite sites for exploring worldwide folk remedies will f-o-r-e-v-er be, Earth Clinic.

As this article states…

“Don’t get me wrong, traditional folk medicine is certainly no simple affair. There are a number of very complicated oils, tinctures, potions and pastes and methods that have been used here in villages throughout history. Some of the more complicated and, maybe to some, bizarre cures as listed on the Ministry of Culture and Tourism website include placing lemon slices on the forehead for a headache, rubbing a mashed onion on a sprained ankle, eating a pigeon egg for breakfast for 40 days for asthma, eating hedgehog meat for eczema, taking a bath in barley for rheumatism, dribbling leek water in the ear for an earache or burning an eggshell and breathing in its ashes in a nosebleed, just to name a very few.” ~LEYLA YVONNE ERGIL, Daily Sabah.com~

Perhaps not simple, but certainly a love affair. After doing a lil digging, I found that page they mention. Not only is it a plethora of information, this site may be equivalent to what we in the United Staes see as the Chamber of Commerce. Sharing of this type of information (on such a public forum) would practically be UNHEARD of here in the states. Which is why I’m surprisingly delighted!

Even more cool about their culture is how they spend much of their time.

“picking, pruning and brewing herbs is a part of everyday life.”

Lemon Cologne and Rose Water

They’ve even got their own Eau de toilette concoctions. Something I remember my grandmother having in her bathroom. And long before the toxic billion dollar cosmetic, perfume and cologne industry sadly became laboratory made. Both links above provide many uses for different herbs and plants. However, if you cross reference them, you’ll find there are many more uses to them than what they’ve listed. One example is oregano.

“Oregano “kekik” tea is also a popular cure for stomach ailments or cold symptoms and can be used as a mouthwash for gum issues.” ~Daily Sabah~

These are wonderful uses for the tea. Here you’ll find a recipe to make the oil and other uses/ways to use it.

As long as there’s food on our planet, we will always have medicine

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Thanks and well wishes all ways…


About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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