Hair Color Never Looked So Good!

By on July 18, 2015

GOT Gray!

“If you could invent a time machine and go back 30 years and take some of my hair from 30 years ago and now, there is no difference.” ~John Warner, inventor of Hairprint®~

Whether pharmaceuticals, tattoos or hair color. They’re toxic to your body, Mother Earth and all her/our waterways.

Hair Color That’s Actually Good For You

As a former hairdresser, most clients back in the day, only wanted their original hair color back. A few test samples (and toxins) later, we’d get it.

“Hairprint® transforms the health of the hair, making it stronger, giving it more body and luster. Rather than thinking of Hairprint® as a coloring agent, think of it as a Healing System that has the added benefit of reversing gray hairs to their natural color.”

This is huge, considering our skin has been referred to as our 3rd kidney.

Now that I’ve begun using a BioIdentical Hormone cream, I’ve witnessed how quickly our skin absorbs and our body reacts. They’ve been a godsend in regulating my cycle. It’s actually more like… in saying, GOOD RIDDANCE Aunt Flow.

Knowing that our body absorbs chemicals is a huge reason hair color and tattoos never appealed to me. Yes, I had (past tense) 1 tattoo many moons ago (back in the 80’s), but not only was it discreet, it’s gone. And I’ve no doubt detoxed that ink out of me by now!

Green Scientist Meets Vanity

Hairprint®, takes the guesswork out. It also doesn’t put lead in you, which is what some hair colors still do. For now, it’ll only restore your natural hair color. And it’s only doing so for black and brown hair. However, for those of any color…

“For those of you WITHOUT grays, Hairprint® makes a product to PREVENT them from ever appearing! The “Anti-aging Formula” will maintain the color and health of your hair, so those impending grays never even have a chance to surface!This 15-minute video and article explain the magical memory of our molecules. Being a new invention, only time will tell if the follicles will absorb color. What this means is hair will begin to grow in its natural color. ” ~Lucian Gauthier~

All very fascinating as you can see in this 15-minute video with David Wolfe and the inventor, John Warner. A very sweet man I must say.


About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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