Water: The Buck Stops Here – A Cry For Help

By on March 22, 2013

It’s been said that the next war will be over water. The documentary FLOW discusses the greed behind our looming water shortage and refers to it as, the emergence of a domineering world water cartel. A perfect example of this is the price of bottled water. Since when and why does bottled water cost more than a soft drink? Clearly someone is trying to make and keep many sick (and fat).

“You’re not sick; you’re thirsty. Don’t treat thirst with medication.” ~Dr. F. Batmanghelidj~

Most bottled waters are far from healthy, and not simply because of the leeching of  BPA’s, their fake flavorings, or the effect plastic bottles have on landfills or oceans. Tap water, for those who don’t realize is better regulated than most bottled waters, but that’s not saying a whole lot since it has also been said we absorb more chlorine in a 10-minute shower than drinking 8 glasses of the same water. Water is a resource not to be reckoned with – it is a matter of life and death for the mere fact that:

“Up to 60 percent of the human body is water,the brain is composed of 70 percent water, and the lungs are nearly 90 percent of water. About 83 percent of our blood is water, which helps digest our food, transport waste, and control body temperature.” ~U.S. Department of Interior – U.S. Geological Survey~

Privatizing water is as ridiculous as those people who name a star after you AND get paid to do so! To take away a basic, human, life giving need is beyond corrupt, and really no different than making foods (that should have seeds) seedless. There’s a reason grape seed extract (and others) are sold – they’re medicinal and are there to keep the circle of life going! Good sources for water are either becoming harder to come by or more expensive for their foo-foo packaging, empty promises, and affirmational labels.

One thing I will never do is pay $4K for an alkalinizing water system. I’ve actually known 2 people that have gotten sick from them (one a chiropractor and the other a young autistic man that sent him to the hospital, and took over a year to undo damage done). This after I recommended she NOT get machine. There are other filters that do the same thing  for a fraction of the cost (without having to pay a middle  DIY Water Filter(wo)man). There are also practical other ways to filter water without purchasing a water filter. Boiling water for at least 5 minutes is one of them, though it does nothing for the water we shower in. When needed, I choose tap water (that I set out to evaporate chlorine), over bottled. I do however buy Evian (for its high mineral content) on occasion and also use it to “feed” my water kefir. The quality of water is just as important as the quantity. And because of that I’ll be buying a portable water filter with a lifetime guarantee that never needs replacement parts for less than $400.

Some water that is sold has us merely going through the motion of drinking, which is better than none at all, but… the body is not able to absorb/hydrate due to water quality and/or the amount of waste in our body. A good reason to know what we’re drinking (and eating), do seasonal detoxing, and a less obvious reason there are many overweight malnourished people. Just know, there are ways around getting clean water without paying an arm and a leg.

A pet peeve of mine is seeing people waste things, water included. Growing up with a single mother (and 6 siblings), I learned to be resourceful, and now whether or not money is an issue, I’d still do it. It’s foolish and irresponsible not to! Without water, we and our real food supply as we know it is gone. Which leads to another topic of importance. Instead of relying on the carbon footprint of our food being hauled in from different cities, states, and countries, it is imperative that we learn to grow our own. Not just for health sake, but also as our right. We must fight to keep our freedom of using food as our Farmacy, and not be at the hands of Monsanto, the FDA, Bill Gates, and other organizations trying to control our food supply, our so-called health “care”system (and lessen the population) with their constant need to spoon feed lies. The disease of the fork is killing far too many, and at alarmingly younger ages.

Getting back to basics is what we need – less can be more. There is no need for human suffering – our basic human needs can be met easily and affordably. Enough with the daily waste of watering lawns people do not use, to rinse driveways that can easily be swept clean, to wash dishes with water running, to washing clothes that aren’t dirty, and so much more. Far too many are living as if tomorrow never comes and/or we have an endless supply of water. Not the case. We can and have the power to have a better and more abundant healthy future. The ridiculous, end of world nonsense of the Mayan calendar, was a paradigm shift for the better. Those that are ready can and will have a better life. Those thinking that one person cannot possibly make a difference are wrong beyond belief. May we go with the flow in the right direction and live long naturally!


About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

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